Strangely Biblical

We are a brother and sister duo who are deeply interested in the scriptures, especially when they say something that sounds odd to our 21st century ears. Strangely Biblical will explore the topics that are glossed over in Sunday morning sermons because we believe they are interesting and important. We don’t always have all the answers, but we are committed to studying. Join us in our journey through the weird world of scripture.

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Monday Feb 17, 2025

Evil is brought to earth. Why was this allowed? Who was the Tempter? Who was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for? What was Yahweh's intentions for mankind? Were they changed or just delayed? All these questions are discussed in this episode as Jeff and Shelby continue the Genesis narrative. 
Music in this episode: 
Jakob Ahlbom - The Gordian Knot - Courtesy of
Trevor Kowalski - Pretty Sacrifice - Courtesy of
 - Sending - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - In Shadows of the Stars - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - My Greatest Hero - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - The Misty Mountains - Courtesy of
Jakob Ahlbom - Birds of Passage - Courtesy of
Hanna Lindgren - Sending - Courtesy of
David Celeste - Coco Begins His Journey - Courtesy of
Jo Wandrini - Odyssey of the Lost - Courtesy of

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025

Jeff got the opportunity to be a guest on The Lion, the Way, and the War podcast with Craig Allison. They discuss faith, biblical narratives, and Mesopotamian literature. 
Tellsonic - A Forest Melody - Courtesy of

Monday Sep 30, 2024

Welcome to the garden. Why is Genesis 2 also seemingly a creation account? Were Adam & Eve the first humans on earth? What does it mean that woman was created from man? Let's discuss. 
Music in this episode: 
Jakob Ahlbom - Crossing the Rubican - Courtesy of
Jakob Ahlbom - Afternoon Coffee - Courtesy of

Saturday Aug 31, 2024

Welcome to the beginning. This episode covers a deep dive into Genesis in a way the original audience would understand. It answers the questions of who created the cosmos, why was it called good, and what it means to be made in the image of God. The previous two episodes will get listeners into the ancient near eastern mindset beforehand! 
Scripture References: 
Genesis 1 LEB
2 Peter 3:5 ESV
Jeremiah 4:23
1 Samuel 2:8
Genesis 8:22
Isaiah 66:1
Faithlife Study Bible 
The Lost World of Genesis One by John H. Walton
The Creation of Light and Time by Anto Popovic
A Commentary Critical and Explanatory of the Whole Bible by David Brown, Andrew Robert Fausset & Robert Jamieson
The Star of Bethlehem Documentary 
The Exploits of Ninurta
The Unseen Realm by Michael S. Heiser
The Image of God by John Piper (published on Desiring God)
Music in this episode: 
Victor Lundburg - Epic Elevation - Courtesy of
Aerian - Earthshine - Courtesy of
David Celeste - Birds of Eden - Courtesy of
Hanna Lindgren - Past Lives - Courtesy of
Jakob Ahlbom - Odonata - Courtesy of

Ep. 7 - Ancient Creation Myths

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

The creation story we read in Genesis 1 was not the first or only written creation narrative of the ancient world. It also was not written to answer our modern questions we bring to the text. Before diving into the creation story of the Bible in the next episode, it is important to have a foundational understanding of what ideas about creation were popular for the ancient near eastern peoples. This will set our minds in the appropriate context for understanding the intent. 
The Lost World of Genesis One by John H. Walton
Enuma Elis from the Library of Ashurbanipal
The Ba'al Cycle ancient story. 
Scripture References: 
Psalm 104
Music in this episode: 
August Wilhelmsson - Our Journey - Courtesy of
Magnus Ludvigsson - Melancolique - Courtesy of
Jakob Ahlbom - Crossing the Rubicon - Courtesy of
John Abbot - A March Across the Ancient Land - Courtesy of
August Wilhelmsson - Felicia's Secret - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - Adapted by Dark - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - I See You - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - In the Shadow of the Stars - Courtesy of
David Celeste - Shrines - Courtesy of
Sound Effects in this episode: 
SFX Producer - Horse Gallup - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Large Stormy Waves Crashing on a Pebble Beach - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Thunder Rumble - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Forest Rain 1 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Produce Flame - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Mountain Wind Gusts - Courtesy of

Ep. 6 - Ancient Flood Myths

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Monday Jul 01, 2024

We know a flood happened in the ancient world, but what are the details surrounding the deluge? Ancient civilizations had their own stories for how and why this event occurred. In Genesis 6 we read the account of Yahweh bringing on the flood after the horrors of man's wickedness and the Nephilim crimes against humanity reach the gates of heaven. But this isn't the only flood narrative we have from the ancient world. In this episode, Jeff & Shelby discuss other flood narratives from the ancient Mesopotamian world including the story of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis. 
Merriam Webster Dictionary: Polemic
The Lost World of the Flood by Tremper Longman III & John H. Walton
How to Tell a True War Story by Tim O'Brien
FaithLife Study Bible: Exodus & Large Numbers
Mark Ronan Gilgamesh Overview -
Grand Valley State University Atrahasis summary. 
Scripture References: 
Deuteronomy 7: 1&7
Genesis 6: 5-22
Genesis 8: 20-22
Genesis 9: 12-17
Genesis 2:10 
Music in this episode: 
David Celeste - Sphinx - Courtesy of
David Celeste - Shrines - Courtesy of
Gavin Luke - Spirits of Machu Picchu - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - Remembering a Heartbeat - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - I See You - Courtesy of
John Abbot - A March Across the Ancient Land - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - The Misty Mountains - Courtesy of
David Celeste - The Seeds We Sow - Courtesy of
Sound Effects in this episode: 
SFX Producer - Boots Walk - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Fight Grunt 1 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Fight Grunt 4 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Fight Grunt 5 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Bull Breaths 9 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Bull Bellows 24 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Horse Gallup - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Large Stormy Waves Crashing on a Pebble Beach - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Thunder Rumble - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Bird Chirp 1 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Bird Raven Caged - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Swimming Pool Dive - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - River Forest - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Restaurant Crowd - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Forest Rain 1 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Hammer Hit Nail 2 - Courtesy of
SFX Producer - Bedroom Door Slam - Courtesy of

Thursday May 30, 2024

What we read in scripture about the Nephilim is backed by many ancient texts and legends including 1 Enoch, found among the dead sea scrolls and quoted by biblical authors, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the legends of the giants in Babylonian culture. Jeff & Shel examine these stories against scripture to gain a deeper understanding of what happened in Genesis 6, the conquests of Joshua, the transfiguration event, and more. 
Book References:
Giants, the Sons of the Gods by Doug Van Dorn
Scripture & Extra Biblical References: 
Genesis 6:1-4
1 Enoch 6: 1-8
1 Enoch 7, 8 & 10
Genesis 6: 1-4 & 5
Deuteronomy 3:11
Numbers 13: 21-22
Deuteronomy 2: 10-11, 20-21, & 23
Joshua 11: 21-22
Matthew 16: 13-18
2 Peter 2: 4-5 & 10
Jude 6-7, & 14
1 Enoch 15
Music in this episode: 
Bonnie Grace - Awaken the Immortals - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - Behind the Moon - Courtesy of
Deskant - Black Bullet - Courtesy of
Giants - Trevor Kowalski - Courtesy of
Hampus Naeselius - I See You - Courtesy of
Eden Avery - The Lost City Chooses Who May See - Courtesy of
Dream Cave - Narrow Escape - Courtesy of
August Wilhelmsson - Felecia's Secret - Courtesy of

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Jeff & Shelby take what was learned about the sons of God in the Old Testament and marry that understanding to the extrabiblical texts and New Testament passages that speak of the children of God. The sons of God in both testaments are Yahweh's family but who specifically is in reference shifts. Who are the sons of God? Tune in to part 2 to find out!
Plato's Critias
1 Enoch 6, 7, & 10
Jude 6-7, & 14
2 Peter 2: 4-10
Luke 20:36
Romans 8: 14-23 & 29-30
Psalm 8:4-5
1 Corinthians 6:3
2 Corinthians 3:18
1 John 3:1-2
2 Peter 1:3-4
1 Corinthians 15:44-54
1 Thessalonians 3:1-3
Colossians 1: 10-15
Galatians 4:7
Music in this episode: 
Chaxti - Strange Fantasy - Courtesy of
Piper Ezz - Across the Barricades - Courtesy of
Piper Ezz - Cut Myself Off - Courtesy of
Spectacles Wallet & Watch - No More Fun - Courtesy of
Spectacles Wallet & Watch - Beautifully Strange - No More Fun - Courtesy of

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Jeff & Shelby discuss theories about the identity of the sons of God in its Old Testament usage. Are they human rulers? Are they descendants of Seth? Or are they divine beings on Yahweh's heavenly court? The way this phrase is used throughout Old Testament scripture is sifted through to see what can be deduced directly from the text. This is part 1 of a 2 part series where the phrase will be explored in its New Testament usage. 
Scripture References:
Genesis 6:1-4
Deuteronomy 32: 8-9
Job 1: 6-7
Job 2: 1-2
Job 38: 4-7
Psalm 29:1
Psalm 82
Psalm 89:5-7
Book References: 
1 Enoch 6
Giants: Sons of the Gods by Doug Van Dorn
Music in this episode: 
ELFL - Heart Beam - Courtesy of
ELFL - My Life in Motion - Courtesy of
ELFL - Pink Pulsar - Courtesy of

Ep 2 - Reclaiming the Nations

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Jeff & Shelby discuss the disinheritance of the nations by Yahweh at the tower of Babel, the ultimate plan to bring them all back, how this plan threads through scripture, and the Day of Pentecost as the reversal of Babel. Jesus' ministry and that of his disciples begins the reclamation of the 70 nations dispersed at Babel back to Yahweh, and it's a mission we are still continuing today. 
Scripture References:
Genesis 11: 1-9
Deuteronomy 32: 8-9
Numbers 11: 10-17, 24-25, & 29
Joel 2: 28-32
Isaiah 66: 18-23
Acts 2: 1-6, 14-21, & 38-39
Galatians 3: 26-29
Book References: 
Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael Michael S. Heiser
Reversing Hermon by Dr. Michael S. Heiser
United with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne
Music in this episode: 
Silver Maple - Particle Emission - Courtesy of
Sage Oursler - Sinister Passage - Courtesy of
ELFL - Last Odyssey - Courtesy of
Dream Cave - Seven Truths Be Told - Courtesy of
Guy Copeland - Attacus Atlas - Courtesy of
Lupus Nocte - Crispy Days - Courtesy of
The Big Let Down - Night Light Speed - Courtesy of

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